Thursday, February 16, 2006

The Oaktree and the Rosebushes

A couple of days ago I finally cut the OakTree. A nice healthy tree in the frontyard next to the driveway. My dear wife told me sometime ago that the tree should go. I said why. You see I hate to cut perfectly healthy trees. First of all we never have enough trees and on top of it they supply us with oxygen. Something we need with all the smog around. So, I cut it down and it is now in the garbage can. I hated cutting that tree but since we soon want a new driveway put in I kind of agreed that Her Idea wasn't too bad. That was the Oaktree.
Today we planted roses. The old ones we had were not too good anymore and besides they had to come out because the painters needed access to the wall which needed painting. Back in November of 2005.So , Rosemarie bought new Roses and she said 'we' (that's me) have to dig holes to fit them in. I dug three of them, 2 more to go. Maybe tomorrow.
When it's all done it will look nice again.
So, that was the Oaktree, which is gone and the roses which have arrived and are growing.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Nice day again

Another great day . The sun is shining and it looks like 80 degrees again.
Beautiful.Just returned from a nice walk thru our local wilderness. Took me just about an hour. Feels good and feel my age.
Finally succeeded putting my pic into this blog. It is rather small, can't really see my beautiful beard. My wife tells me I should cut my hair. I rather like it.When I am done here I will go out and work on my garden project, spreading rocks into our new walkway behind the house. Rearranged the stepping stones and it all looks much better now.
Rosemarie is on duty again. She still substitutes in school. Her title is,
She went to the periodontist yesterday and had one of her teeth fixed. The regular dentist said she has in infected pocket. And really, it had to be fixed, she even has stitches in her mouth. She'll make it easy.
This is it for today.

Sunday, February 12, 2006


Well, tomorrow is Valentine's day and I am trying my first blog.
I haven't done this before and want to see what all the rave is.
I live in beautiful S. California and the February weather is a balmy 80 degrees , just right for me. Many, many years ago I used to live in colder climes but now I can do without the cold. In fact, when it gets cold here in California I would like to move to Hawaii for the winter. Wish I had bought a condo over ther long ago. Well, well.
Now let' see what all this is about.